I completed my bachelor degree in chemistry of materials at the University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy) in 2010 and my master of science in photochemistry and molecular materials in the same university in 2013. I obtained my PhD in physic and nanoscience from the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy) in 2017. During the PhD I was performing research fellowship first one year at the CNR Nanotec, institute of nanotechnology and then one year at the department of mathematic and physic “Ennio De Giorgi”, University of Salento, both in Lecce, Italy. During the last year of my PhD I did a long internship at J. Heyrovsky institute of Physical Chemistry, in Prague (where I met Dr. Kovaricek).
After finishing my PhD, I started my post-doctoral fellowship in the same group and I remained till the end of 2020. At beginning of 2021 I moved together with Dr. Kovaricek to the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, where our new group was formed and I work as post-doctoral researcher.